Rayleigh Mill, October 21st 2023 event now on Youtube!

 On October 21st 2023, WrestleForce returned to the Rayleigh Mill Arts & Events Centre for another incredible event!

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WrestleForce returns to Harlow, Sunday Oct 1st!

The superstars of WrestleForce return to Paringdon Sports Club for another great afternoon of professional wrestling action the whole family can enjoy! Sunday October 1st Doors open: 2:30 PMShow Starts: 3:00 PM Show ends: 5 PM Free parking available on site Bar with refreshments and snacksTickets available on the door.BOOK IN ADVANCE TO SAVE 10%. B...

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WrestleForce returns to Wickford this Saturday!

We have ANDesign filming and editing what will be another incredible show and it'll be uploaded 1st to our Patreon Page where you can see it all very shortly after its been produced AD FREE for just £3.50/$4 a month! Become a Patron here Tickets available on the door to see the event at the Nevendon Centre live! BOOK IN ADVANCE TO SAVE 10% HERE

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Voodoo bests Ashmore in Orsett!

Last Saturday in Orsett, Ashmore took on VooDoo and tried to use VooDoo's own dark magic against him! But VooDoo turned this around and secured the win! Duhngaah!!!This Saturday in Wickford, Voodoo returns to action against the powerful and ruthless Brandon Lee, will he be able to rise from the mists for the win once more?Tickets for Wickford avail...

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Full line up for the Kesgrave event, September 2nd 2023!

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WrestleForce returns to Newmarket August 12th 2023!

WrestleForce are back at The Racing Centre on Saturday August 12th! Tickets available on the door. BOOK IN ADVANCE TO SAVE 10%

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WrestleForce present their 1st show at the Knole Academy in Sevenoaks!

What a show last Friday!WrestleForce presented their 1st show at the Oaks Theatre, Knole Academy in Sevenoaks! We can't wait to return on Friday Octover 27th!Tickets are available now with 10% off when you book in advance!Book here

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Ashmore earns a championship opportunity!

Last Saturday... Ashmore took on KM Lane for a shot at the WrestleForce Undisputed Championship in Sevenoaks on Friday July 21st at stake. Although KM Lane appeared to have the match won following a scintillating springboard spin kick, Ashmore's ability to roll outside of the ring, and then spring back to life with a roll up just as KM had got...

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Benny Nitro picks up his 3rd win in a row at the Thorpe Hall in Southend!

Last Saturday, July 8th, in Southend at the Thorpe Hall!In the opening contest Benny Nitro defeated The Matador and then gave the accompanying El Greggso a stomping too!3rd victory in a row for the Hidden Gem at this venue on home turf!Photography: Mat Raven

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WrestleForce returns to Wickford July 16th!

Next week we are back at the Nevendon Community Centre in Wickford! James Pharrell goes one on one with Alexander Moore, who screwed Pharrell over the last time WrestleForce were at the Nevendon Centre.The recently approved apprentice: Danny Haines takes on the WrestleForce Undisputed Champion: Mark Trew in non-title action!After a good crack at th...

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Watch the full Tadley show on WrestleForceTV!

WrestleForce will be back in 2022 with more awesome professional wrestling shows!Meanwhile, check out the events we did this year on WrestleForceTV!One of the events was at the Tadley Community Association, and what a show it was!

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Full Chelsea Theatre Event now up on Youtube!

The shows continue to get uploaded on to WrestleForce TV and we have a tremendous show uploaded now in its entirety from The Chelsea Theatre! The Roman Warrior: Karim Brigante made his return to WrestleForce and took on Oli Peace!Connor Mills & Jordon Breaks had a tremendous technical match!The Zulu Warrior challenged Jordan Saeed for the Wrest...

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Full Newmarket show on WrestleForceTV!

WrestleForce's 1st show at The Racing Centre in Newmarket is now on WrestleForceTV's Youtube channels and can be viewed in full when one watches the playlist!Simon Miller made his WrestleForce debut and took on Oli Peace!Also making his debut: Top Gun Tommy Kyle took newcomer rookie: Daniel Haines under his wing as they faced Sass Central...

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Full Loughton show on Youtube!

The full event that took place September 18th 2021 at the Lopping Hall in Loughton is on Youtube and compiled in a chronological playlist for your convenience!Unbreakable: Mark Trew took on Nino Bryant in a sensational high flying opener!2 Ladies made their 1st WrestleForce apearance as Kira Chimera faced Ava White!The Primal Hunters: Rocco Garzya ...

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Full Witham show now up on WrestleForceTV!

This week a match is going up every weekday from our live event in Shoeburyness! And the full Witham show is now online! Make sure to watch and subscribe to the channel!

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WrestleForce TV Launches on Youtube!

WrestleForce have been putting on the finest professional wrestling events for years and we have finally decided to tape our stuff professionally and show the wider internet what all our fans who come to our live shows already know: that WrestleForce delivers the best action and is the true force in professional wrestling!The 1st 2 matches are now ...

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Mark Trew to participate in an MMA fight for charity!

Mark started wrestling for WrestleForce when he was just 15 and combined his high level martial arts training with high flying maneuvers and agility. More recently he's started using more power moves and with this MMA fight on the horizon its likely we'll see more adaptations to Mark's style. He'll be in for a busy schedule with 7 professional wres...

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  3242 Hits

July 10th Southend show moved to Friday July 23rd!

Due to the lifting of restrictions being postponed to July 19th we have had to reschedule our July 10th show at Thorpe Hall school in Shoeburyness. The event will now take place on Friday July 23rd and at the slightly later time starting at 8 PM and finishing at 10 PM. Doors are at 7:30 PM. Everyone who has brought tickets may either transfer ...

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WrestleForce to be a part of the Bucks Country show on June 26th and 27th!

WrestleForce are delighted to once again be a part of the Bucks Town and Country show in High Wycombe!The show with something for everyone and loads to do is a fantastic day out for the whole family!WrestleForce will be presenting a match every hour from 11 AM until 4 PM!

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WrestleForce to be a part of the Nonsuch town and country this May bank holiday!

 After a fantastic festival in Brentwood last weekend, the WrestleForce team are very much looking forward to being a part of the Nonsuch town and country show this upcoming Sunday and bank holiday Monday!Don't miss this fantastic day out for the whole family!

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WrestleForce to be a part of the Weald Country Festival!

WrestleForce will be at the bank holiday festival in Brentwood throughout the days with a match every hour!With LOADS of other activities and delicious food and drink stalls, this is the event with something for everyone!Book your tickets now at www.wealdcountryshow.co.uk

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Cassius appears on ITV!

Last night former WrestleForce International Champion: Cassius appeared on ITV's Game of Talents! If the contestants could identofy him as the actual professional wrestler they would win over £30,000!

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WrestleForce returns to the Witham Public Hall!

We are delighted to announce that our 1st event from our recent hiatus will take place at the Witham Puclic Hall! WrestleForce had its 1st show in 2015 and we've seen many great moments in the following years at the hall that has a long history with professional wrestling! An over the top rope Rumble from 2016 Dark Wolf: Matt Walters going one on o...

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The campaign to save the Rayleigh Mill continues!

For those who don't know, The decision was made to demolish the Rayleigh Mill last year at the start of the pandemic. Staff at the Rayleigh Mill found out about this decision on the internet!It does very much appear this was hastily pushed through out of the public eye.WrestleForce ran 3 times a year at the Rayleigh Mill and it was always packed. T...

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WrestleForce ready to come out of lockdown!


Its been a long year so far, and with just a couple more months to go of gradually easing restrictions events are being organized! Stay tuned for upcoming dates and for events and festivals!

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